Parthenogenesis is defined as:
"A type of asexual reproduction in which egg develops withoutfertilization to form a new individual."
If parthenogenesis takes place in bees, a drone or male bee isproduced.
My question is that parthenogenesis is the development of EGGinto new individual so, how can egg be developed into male becauseegg won't have that "Y" chromosome required for male offspring?
Parthenogenesis is defined as:
"A type of asexual reproduction in which egg develops withoutfertilization to form a new individual."
If parthenogenesis takes place in bees, a drone or male bee isproduced.
My question is that parthenogenesis is the development of EGGinto new individual so, how can egg be developed into male becauseegg won't have that "Y" chromosome required for male offspring?
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b) because the chemical bonds in methyl groups can readilybend.
c) by changing the DNA sequences of genes.
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In the process of Somatic CellNuclear Transfer in which Dolly the sheep was cloned, an adultnucleus was inserted into a denucleated egg cell. How is theepigenome related to this process? |
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a) The methylation of the adult nucleus must be removed so thatthe cloned zygote can become a viable embryo and fetus.
b) Dolly's epigenome was a mixture of the epigenomes of thedonor mother and of the egg cell from the surrogate mother.
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