13 May 2019

71. The crop where growth is maintained all the time in the log phase is known as ________________. This one matters in _______________________.
72. A crop where the transition periods are eliminated so that the entire population is in the same phase simultaneously is ____________________.
73. A prototrophic know is the ____________ and an auxotroph is a ___________________.
74. In a deep agar tube, aerobic-tolerant anaerobic bacteria grow in _________
___________, the facultative anaerobes grow _________________, the ______________ grow on the surface, the ____________________ grow in the bottom and the microaerophilic grow __________________ because ____________________.
75. The facultative anaerobic bacteria in the presence of oxygen carry out _____________ ______________ and in the absence of oxygen carry out __________ or ________________.
76. Barodúrico means that ______________________________________________.
77. Bacteria that fix nitrogen gas are known as ___________________ and those that oxidize sulfur to sulfate are __________________.
78. The main nitrogen source for most microorganisms are __________.
79. A genus of obligate anaerobic bacteria with great medical importance is ___________.
80. Staphyloccoccus aureus is tolerant to salt concentrations of up to 5%, therefore, it is

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
16 May 2019

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