1 Mar 2018

Kylie wanted to determine the concentration of one of the substrates (A) in an enzyme catalysed reaction she was measuring. The enzyme she was studying had two substrates, A and B, which reacted together 1:1, to produce a single product, C. She made the concentration of substrate A in the cuvette less than the concentration of B. The change in absorbance measured from when the reaction was initiated to when it stopped was 0.6 a.u. She was using a direct assay, exploiting the fact that substrate B had a chromophore with a molar absorption coefficient of 2800 M-1 cm-1. How much of substrate A was used during the reaction (in µM to 2 s.f.)? The path length was 1 cm.

Evan measured a vmax value for his enzyme of 3100 ΔµM min-1 using an enzyme concentration (in the cuvette) of 10 µM. What is the kcatvalue (in units of s-1 to 1 s.f.)?

Gary is studying a protein which has a molecular weight of 42,000 Da. After successfully purifying his protein he measured the protein concentration to be 10 mg mL-1. What is this concentration in µM (to 2 s.f.)?

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
4 Mar 2018

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