3 Jul 2018

What is the function of telomerase?

A. Telomerase is an enzyme that increases the length of linear chromosome ends.
b. Telomerase is an enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of lagging strand of a linear chromosome.
c. Telomerase is an enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of leading strand of a linear chromosome.

d. Telomerase is an enzyme that separates strands of a linear chromosome

Which of the following best describes the histones associated with eukaryotic DNA?

A. Thousands of base pairs of DNA often wrap around each nucleosome core particle more than a dozen times.
B. Within the nucleosome core particle, H1 is the most conserved and crucial histone protein.
C. Along a 10,000 base pair segment of DNA, you expect to find twice as many molecules of histone protein H1, as histone protein H4.
D. The five types of histone proteins are small, basic proteins with a positive charge that allows them to bind to DNA.
E. The amino acid sequences of H4 vary extensively.

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
5 Jul 2018

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