
<p>The first question asked Show the calculations for themean, the standard deviation for the masses of the fivepennies.<br />I was able to do that.<br />Mean = 2.2037+ 2.3629 + 2.3720 + 2.5391 + 2.7188/ 5<br />= 2.4393<br/>Standard deviation= 0.19618<br /><br />I couldn`tunderstand how to do the second question<br /><br/>Show the calculation for the uncertainty in mass of a singlepenny.</p>
<p><a name="3a"> Show an example calculation for thecorrected mass of water (for buoyancy) delivered by your 10.00 mLpipet. Use Table 2-7 (pg 42) to determine the density of water atyour measured temperature. Assume the balance weights and air havedensities of 8.0 g/mL and 0.001 g/mL respectively.</a></p>
<p>the buyouncy formula was this in thetextbook.</p>
<p>m = m'(1-da/dw)/(1-da/d)<br /><br />m=9.9789g(1- (0.001g/mL)/(1-(0.001g/mL/0.9975415g/mL))<br/><br />m= 10.006g</p>
<p>(1) Another one was Assuming there are no errorsassociated with density values, calculate the uncertainty for thecorrected mass of water which was m= 10.006g<br /><br/>Assuming an error of 0.01% in the density value for<br/>(1.0035g/mL) calculate the uncertainty in your pipet volumeusing the mass uncertainty from (1)<br /><br /><br/>Please tell me if you need more information because I am soconfused on how to calculate uncertainty. Thank you for anyhelp!</p>

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
28 Sep 2019

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