
26. A graph called a demand curve can be used to illustrate the relationship between the price of compact disc players and the quantity of compact disc players demanded. If there is evidence that buyers' income and the price of cassette tape players also influence the demand for compact disc players, then a movement along the curve can be caused by a change in either the:
A) price of compact disc players or buyers' income.
B) price of cassette tape players or buyers' income.
C) quantity of compact disc players demanded or buyers income.
D) price of compact disc players or the quantity of compact disc players demanded.

27. A graph called a demand curve can be used to illustrate the relationship between the price of compact disc players and the quantity of compact disc players demanded. If there is evidence that buyers' income and the price of cassette tape players also influence the demand for compact disc players, then a shift in the curve can be caused by a change in either the:
A) price of compact disc players or buyers' income.
B) price of cassette tape players or buyers' income.
C) quantity of compact disc players demanded or buyers income.
D) price of compact disc players or the quantity of compact disc players demanded.

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Darryn D'Souza
Darryn D'SouzaLv10
28 Sep 2019
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