30 Mar 2019

Multiple choice qs on Perfect Competition - Qs College level 1 MIcreconomics

1. What is the correct interpretation of the perfectly competitive firm's supply curve?

It is the same as its average variable cost curve.

It is the same as its total variable cost curve.

It is the same as the portion of its marginal cost curve that lies above the average variable cost curve.

It is the same as the portion of its average variable cost curve that lies above the marginal cost curve.

2. What is the name of the type of market that is dominated by a few firms?


Monopolistic competition.


Perfect competition.


3. What is break-even output?

The output at which the total revenue just covers a firm's total fixed cost.

The output at which the total revenue just covers a firm's total variable cost.

The output at which the total revenue just covers a firm's fixed and variable costs including normal profits.

The output at which the firm is making zero normal profits.


4. All of the following except one are considered to be the prerequisite elements for a market system to work effectively. Which is the exception?

Extensive specialization and trade.

Perfect competition.

Private ownership of productive resources.

A legal and social foundation

A balanced government budget


5. What is the term for the price at which the firm makes only normal profits?

Shutdown price.

Break-even price.

Average price.

Economic price.


6. Which of the following statements is true regarding the price in a perfectly competitive market?

Price equals average revenue but not marginal revenue.

Price equals marginal revenue but not average revenue.

Price is equal to neither the average nor the marginal revenue.

Price is equal to both the average and marginal revenue.


7. What is the term for the extra revenue derived from the sale of one more unit?

Average revenue.

Marginal revenue.

Net revenue.

Total revenue.


8. What is the term for the amount of revenue that will always equal the price of the product in a perfectly-competitive market?

Marginal price.

Net revenue.

Average revenue.

Total revenue.

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
31 Mar 2019
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