
273K 298K 313K
x y x y x y
ln() mV ln() mV ln() mV
0.1 -39.8 0.1 -37.4 0.1 -56.2
0.05 -47.8 0.05 -46.6 0.05 -69
0.025 -56 0.025 -55.8 0.025 -74.2
0.01 -66.4 0.01 -68 0.01 -89
0.005 -74.5 0.005 -77.2 0.005 0

Obtain the value of the ideal gas constant (R) in units of joules per mole-kelvin and the value of the Faraday constant (F) in units of coulomb per mole.

Calculate the ratio of these constants: R/F. Use the fact that one volt is one joule per coulomb to calculate the units of R/F.

Multiply the ratio R/F by the absolute temperatures in kelvin and compare the value of RT/F with the average values of the slope of the line obtained at each temperature for which data were collected.

Compare the average value of the slope at the three temperatures with the value of RT/F at each temperature. Are they the same in each case?

What relationship between the H+ ion studied in Part I and the Cu2+ studied in Part II can be used to explain the difference between the behavior of these ions?

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