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10 Nov 2021

Given information

If the wind is blowing in the direction of the person, the sound speed rises as the wavelength increases.
The speed of sound drops as the wind blows away from the person, and the wavelength lowers as the speed falls.
Unless they have no relative motion to one other, the frequency of the wave heard by the individual does not change. The medium qualities are affected by the blowing wind, which merely modifies the velocity of the waves. The person still counts the same number of waves reaching him. Refraction occurs when the speed of waves in air changes; the direction of the waves changes but the frequency does not.

Step-by-step explanation

Step 1.

 The effect of moving air (wind) is the same as if the speed of sound was increased by the same amount as the wind speed. The wavelength of sound waves (the distance a wave travels in a given amount of time) will be enhanced by the same proportion that the wind speed is compared to the sound speed in calm air.

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