PSYC 3450 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dating Abuse, African-American Culture, Casual Sex

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Discuss the function of dating in terms of the two stage-salient tasks of adolescence: identity (who am i) and establishing the relational foundations needed for a successful long- term romantic relationship in which children are born (family) Describe/explain the unwantedness/consent continuum: <<<>>>>> Briefly describe maltz hierarchy: level 3+ authentic sexual intimacy/level 2+ making love/ level 1+ positive role fulfillment/sexual energy (ground zero)/level -1 impersonal interaction/level -2 abusive interaction/level -3 violent interaction. Describe three red flags for dating violence: dominance, power or control/ isolation that"s driven by jealousy or dependence/ mental health issues, personality changes, justifications and excuses are made for the person/ weakened sense of self/ negative future impact. Only small amount of woman say their violence was in self- defence and therefore cant fully explain the high reciprocity rates; in nonreciprocal violent relationships, females were perpetrator in majority of cases.