KINE 3575 Study Guide - Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle, Straight Leg Raise, Myositis Ossificans

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Illiacus, sartorius: psoas muscles (major and minor) hip flexors quadriceps. Posterior extensors, externally rotate the femur: hamstrings. Extensibility test straight leg raise (put leg on stretch) Strength test lie on stomach, knee flexed to 90 and foot either neutral, internally (semimembranosus) or externally (biceps femoris) rotated: popliteus. Medial ( groin ) adduct, laterally rotate thigh and hip: adductors brevis, longus, magnus, gracilis, pectineus. Iliotibial band: tensor fascia latae, gluteus medius. Must rule out fractures and myositis ossificans (bone in muscle) Involve muscle groups crossing the groin/inguinal region: rectus femoris hip flexor, knee extensor. May be injured by sudden stretch/contraction (ex: jump for a basketball) Tests: contractibility, circumference, palpation, ely"s test (on stomach, passive, bring heel to bum, how tight is rec. fem. ?) Tightness ( contracture ) here can cause low-back/groin pain & lordosis. Psoas major/minor originate on the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebral bodies. Illicus originates on the iliac fossa and merges with the psoas.