GEOG 1HA3 Study Guide - Critical Geography, Regional Geography, Spatial Analysis

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What is where, why there, and why care? . Is what is there as a result of human modifications of physical geography ex) crops, buildings, lines of communication, and other visible, material features: has significant symbolic content (meaning) ex) church, statue. As the outcome of particular relationships between humans and land. When you divide large areas into smaller areas that exhibit a degree of unity that share one or more feature in common it is a region. To regionalize is to classify on the basis of one or more variables. Used to answer the question of why things are the way they are through. Primary goal is to explain such locational regularities. Secondary goal is often that identifying alternative locational patterns that might be more efficient or more equitable. Two types of spatial organization: the creation of regions. A complex set of processes with economic, political and cultural dimensions.