Psychology 2320A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Abnormal Psychology, Moral Insanity, Behaviorism

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Psychological disorder a pattern of behavioural, cognitive, or physical symptoms that includes: some degreee of distress in the subject, behaviour that shows some degree of distress in the subject. Increasing risk of suffering, death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom. Early abnormal behavior were considered to be an economic burdens. Abnormal behavior were considered to be possession of devils. Earliest historical interest in abnormal child psych evolved by the end of 18th century. 17th century john locke english philosopher and physician who influenced the beginning of present day attitudes and practices of child birth believed in individual rights and children should be raised with thought and care. Helped special children, focused on the treatment and care of mentally defective children. Took care of victor (a boy who was raised in the wild) Despite learned to identify things and other things but never became a normal child.