ANTB20H3 Final: 38 pages of all of the lecture, VERY HELPFUL FOR MIDTERM, TERM PAPER AND FINAL EXAM, extremely detailed, good luck!

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Document Summary

Globalization as a concept that refers both the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness about the world as a whole . 1 assuming that globalization is new and progressive. Historic proof that certain changes in time are described as new . Some common assumptions about globalization: dissolving barriers like time and distance, makes political borders increasingly irrelevant. Increased movements and flows through global migration: hybridization of cultures. More mixing between people (travel: intensification of connections and increasing our consciousness of development, rise of the free market economy. 3 interconnectedness of the world through communication (world wide web) and transportation. Idealizing a world outside of nation states. 5 products (goods) spreading internationally through space and time. Acquiring these international products becomes easier to access. *space-time compression and stretching of social life across time and space* 6 labor is more outsourced and subcontracted (cheaper to hire people from developing countries to service the developed countries)