
Complete and Simple Subject Worksheet Instructions: Identify the complete subject and the simple subject in each sentence. Use the yellow highlighter to identify the complete subject and the green highlighter to identify the simple subject.
1. A dog with brown and white spots ran by my bus today.
2. Owen's little brother wants to play basketball with him.
3. The lamp on the old table is very dusty.
4. My grandma's house in Kentucky is a beautiful place to live.
5. A big, green plant was found on our front porch.
6. Basketball shoes can be very expensive.
7. The tall, strong tree looks perfect in our yard.
8. The workers from my office are going to leave early.
9. A large, gray rock fell on my car.
10. The girl who lives next to my grandpa is very kind.
11. The person standing near my brother is my cousin.
12. A powerful, strong wrestler won the entire tournament.
13. A lonely princess wanted to escape the castle.

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