
How did scientists determine that the outer core is a liquid?
A Certain seismic waves that travel only through solids produce shadow zones in different parts of the globe
B Scientists detected energy from certain seismic waves that travel only through liquids deep within Earth
C analysis of magma from deep within Earth's surface showed that it was chemically different from magma in Earth's mantle and crust.
Which of the following best describes the makeup of the lithosphere?
A continental crust and oceanic crust only
B continental crust, oceanic crust, and the uppermost part of the mantle
C continental crust, oceanic crust, and all of the mantle
If scientists could bore through Earth's interior, what change would they most likely notice as they passed from the asthenosphere to the mesosphere?
A they would detect a physical change from party molten rock to solid rock
B they would detect a physical change from solid cock to party molten rock
C they would detect a change in composition from iron-rich minerals to silica-rich minerals.

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