MGMT 3P98 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Absolute Advantage, List Of Auto Parts, Single Market

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Emergence of global institutions police the global marketplace: globalization has created the need for institutions to help manage, regulate, and, gatt, wto. Drivers of globalization: declining trade and investment barriers, during the 1920s and 30s, formidable barriers to international trade, gatt after wwii, the role of technology, lowering trade barriers made globalization possible; technology has made it a reality. Social structure: basic social organization sacred, islam, christianity, buddhism, hinduism, protestant/catholic, confucianism. Language: spoken, unspoken, body language, personal space. 5 dimensions of culture: (hofstede: power distance, the use of a grading system also teaches children the value of personal, how a society deals with the fact that people are unequal in physical and intellectual capabilities. Political systems: can be assessed according to 2 dimensions, democracy/totalitarianism, individualism/collectivism. Socialism/collectivism: collective goals more important than individual goals. Individual economic and political freedoms are the ground rules on which society is based. Democracy: government is by the people, elected representatives.