SPMA 1P91 Study Guide - Final Guide: Homophobia, Marketing Plan, Organizational Communication

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Sport marketing (cid:862)the pro(cid:272)ess of desig(cid:374)i(cid:374)g a(cid:374)d i(cid:373)ple(cid:373)e(cid:374)ti(cid:374)g a(cid:272)ti(cid:448)ities for the produ(cid:272)tio(cid:374), pricing, promotions, and distribution of a sport related produ(cid:272)t or (cid:271)usi(cid:374)ess(cid:863) Inconsistency: perishability, marketing plan serves as road map. 10 steps of marketing plan: ide(cid:374)tif(cid:455) the pla(cid:374)"s purpose, analyze the sport product, project the market climate, position your product, analyze and target consumers, evaluate marketing plan, the four p"s, product, price, promotions, place. Eight functions of sport management and marketing agencies: strategic planning & management, sponsorships & licensing solicitation, event creation, management, & marketing, contract negotiation, marketing activation, content development, financial planning, research & evaluation. Challenges facing agencies: uncertain client base, uncertain economic environment, conflicts of interest. 3 different types of sport tourism: active sport tourism, event sport tourism, nostalgia sport tourism. 3 ways sport tourism should be sustainable: environmentally, economically, socially. 3 components of the strategic sport communication model: personal & organizational communication, sport mass media, sport communication services & support.