EXCI 252 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tinnitus, Spasm, Vomiting

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Establish equipment needed: gloves and visual scan. Rules of the sport: approach athlete and stabilize head on face side, unresponsiveness. ** no response ** painful stimuli, pinch triceps or nailbeds. Where does it hurt? (1st red flag if they say back or neck) Move your fingers ( another red flag if they ca(cid:374)"t (cid:373)o(cid:448)e feet o(cid:396) s(cid:395)ueeze ha(cid:374)ds: airway: If they"(cid:396)e u(cid:374)co(cid:374)scious, (cid:449)e assu(cid:373)e they ha(cid:448)e a spi(cid:374)al i(cid:374)ju(cid:396)y. ** in this case, they have a spinal, so we will put them on a spinal board and call 911, cervical collar ** If athlete has not been coherent, start with head injury evaluation first: early head injury signs and symptoms. Vomiting: gentle palpation of the skull for depressions (indication of skull fracture, check for c. s. f and blood from ears, nose, and mouth, retrograde amnesia (before injury) Remember a list of 5 words : paper, monkey, penny, iron, blanket (ask again at later time) Establish a level of confusion: vision.