ANTH 203 Study Guide - Final Guide: Homo Rudolfensis, Redpath Museum, Stegodon

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Cave sites are good for fossil preservation. The east african rift system facilitated the fossilization of a number of known hominin species. The rift runs from the afar depression in ne. Ethiopia, south to malawi, and is typified by rift valleys and both active and non-active volcanoes. A rift valley is created by magma forcing tectonic plates apart, creating a collapsed area between the flanks of the plates. Over time the walls of the rift valley continue to erode encouraging fossilization through periodic inundation and collapse. Australopithecines are believed to be on our direct ancestral line. Their fossil remains are found only in east and southern africa. East africa: australopithecus anamensis (4. 2-3. 9 mya) It was first described by mary leakey based on fieldwork in northern kenya"s great rift valley. Notable specimens include (cid:498)anem(cid:499) means lake in turkana. part of an upper palate with canine teeth, part of a mandible with teeth and proximal and distal ends of a tibia.