PSYC 332 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: David Buss, Impulsivity, Psychopathology

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Theories of personality and adult development: both concerned with what happens to people as the years pass. Personality psychology: provide a psychological account of the person as a whole. 1970s: concerned with consistency of behaviour, the validity of trait measures and the objective reality of traits themselves. Personality as defined by the model is stable. Measures and interpretations allow us to check theories against the facts. 1/ psychoanalytic: individual"s unconscious motivations, determined through dreams, slips of the tongue and fantasies. Individual is basically irrational, driven by animal instincts with rational control maintained by counter forces of socially induced guilt and anxiety. 2/ behaviourist: observable behaviour and situational determinants, expectancies and histories of reinforcement to explain behaviour. Social learning theories- the role of cognitive processes in shaping behaviour. Human nature is the result of experiences in the social environment that shape and reward certain behaviours. 3/ humanistic: humankind"s capacity to think, love and grow.