COMMERCE 3S03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Peoples Energy, Organizational Culture, Positive Psychology

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Negativity bias (people pay more attention to negative happenings than to positive ones)is the term used in psychology to describe how the human mind reacts more quickly and strongly to perceived bad things than it does to good things. Consequently, if there are even minimal bad feelings associated with a task or person, your mind will notice and focus on those rather than on the existing good feelings or qualities. Positive leadership is an outgrowth of a new academic field called positive psychology. Positive leadership uses theoretically grounded principles to promote outcomes such as thriving at work, interpersonal flourishing, positive emotions, and energized teams. The field of organizational behavior that studies people in organizations has often taken a negative perspective trying to fix what is wrong with managers and employees and concentrating on deficiencies and weaknesses. Three aspects of positive leadership are: an affirmative bias, facilitating intrinsic goodness, and exceeding performance expectations: