COMMERCE 4KI3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Revamp

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A process approach to bpm leads to the systematic definition and rollout of a. Bpm capability, and accounts for its own ongoing management. Like any other process, bpm needs to be organized and proactively managed: for bpm there must be management. To focus management attention on the most critical process area. To align process improvement initiatives around strategic priorities. To be able to react quickly to business change and resulting process requirements. To decide when to make incremental changes and when to execute larger transformation: if you don"t know how to select projects then everything will be by chance. Based on that you steer the company: when to make incremental changes you make end-to-end business processes. You reengineer it and then you improve within departments. That"s incremental: and then again you go for major changes. Usually every 5-6 years there"s a major change because technology changes every 5 years: the biggest change coming up is 3d printing, vr, self-driving cars,