GEOG 1HB3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Environmental Determinism, Contour Line, Geographic Information System

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2d representation of the world (or specific location) and depicts spatial relationships. System used to transfer locations from earth"s surface to a flat map. Projection that touches the earth at widest point (traditionally the equator). Greatest accuracy at equator, poorest/most distorted at poles. Projection that touches the outside edges of earth; runs along entire line of latitude. Earth surface projected onto flat surface (traditionally used to map the poles). Greatest accuracy at poles, poorest/most distorted at equator. Type of map used to reveal patterns in spatial concentration or dispersion - size of dots indicates intensity of data. Type of map that communicates individual variations of data within countries (as opposed to averages) Type of map that indicates graduated variations in data - usually average per country. Type of map where space is distorted (shrunk/expanded) to emphasise the size of the data being communicated. Actions or processes that involve the entire world and result in making something global in scope.