LIFESCI 3K03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Visual Cortex, Intraparietal Sulcus, Posterior Parietal Cortex

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To determine the goal of our movements where we want to move. The eye: receptors located on the retina concentration provides high resolution on the fovea; the oculomotor system brings targets into focus (i. e. move eyes so image falls on fovea) Images seen on one side are processed by the opposite side ganglion cells on the medial side cross over at the optic chiasm. Fibers of the optic nerve synapse in the lateral geniculate nucleus (lgn) of the thalamus; information remains separate until primary visual cortex (v1) Lgn neurons project to v1 (peripheral encoded below sulcus, anterior to where fovea projects and above sulcus, anterior; foveal encoded below sulcus and posterior. Eye muscles brain stem sc and tectum lgn visual cortex. Conscious : dorsal stream the where and how stream vision-for-action: posterior parietal cortex (intraparietal sulcus in parietal lobe) selects actions to particular spatial locations, visual control of motor output, absolute metrics, moment-to-moment computations (fast-acting) iv.