PSYCH 1XX3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Normal Distribution, Central Tendency, Blood Sugar

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Within-subjects design manipulating independent variable within each participant to minimize the effect of external variables on dependent measure. Between-subjects design one group of participants receives the experimental manipulation while the other acts as the control group. Confounding variable a variable other than the independent variable that has an effect on the results. Sampling selecting a sample to minimize confounding variables. Population general group of people we are trying to learn about. Sample selected members of the population that we actually collect data from. Random sample choosing a sample at random from the entire population. Random assignment assigning subjects to either the experimental or control group at random to avoid any biases that may cause differences between the groups of subjects. Placebo effect effect that occurs when an individual exhibits a response to a treatment that has no related therapeutic effect. Subject/participant bias when a participant"s actions in an experiment influence the results outside the manipulations of the experimenter.