PSYCH 2B03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Enculturation, Orgasm, Peak Experience

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1 | p s y c h 2 b 3. It is less concerned to the development of the individual and it is more focused on creating the meaning and purpose of one"s life. It begins with the understanding that each individual is unique and each perception, experiences and reality are different. They are very averse to reductionism, in which personality is analyzed into bits and components. They believe that you couldn"t fully understand the personality of the individual by looking at the fragments. It is the entirety of the person that can make you understand this individual. It emphasize the idiographic approach and less towards nomothetic generalization. They work on the individuals and help them. Maslow and rogers are the first ones who have founded the association of. He also have negative views on his mother. 2 | p s y c h 2 b 3.