PSYCH 3CC3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Arthur Conan Doyle, James Mckeen Cattell, Whitechapel Murders

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Document Summary

Offender profiling first appeared in fiction in 1842 by edgar allan poe. The first recorded offender profile was constructed in 1888 by dr. thomas bond. 1842: edgar allan poe publishes the murders in the rue morgue . 1887: arthur conan doyle publishes a study in scarlet . 1888: dr. thomas bond provides 1st offender profile in whitechapel murders case. 1895: james mckeen cattell conducts research on memory accuracy. 1896: albert von schrenk-notzing testifies regarding effects of pre-trial publicity. 1901: william stern conducts research on eyewitness testimony and leading questions. 1908: hugo munsterberg publishes on the witness stand ; father of forensic psychology. 1916: lewis terman creates stanford-binet test on intelligence. 1923: the use of eyewitness testimony in courts. He was the first person to give trial testimony. 2001: apa recognized forensic psychology as a separate specialty. 1940: people vs. hawthorne case ruled standard for expert witness of knowledge rather than m. d.