SOCIOL 2QQ3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: The Moms, Noncustodial Parent, Medicalization

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Document Summary

Fairly large number of canadian children will experience parental relationship instability: lots of kids experience their parents breaking up, most marriages end in divorce, more kids being born into cohabiting couples, how does divorce impact kids, process. Or premarital childbearing: divorce can have long term effects but only for a minority of children. Children"s well-being determined by custodial parent well-being: father or mother usually mother, financial hardship = less available for parents to spend time w kids because they need to. If they are able to parent effectively = better outcome for kids work to pay for things: no fault divorce: Low income post-divorce for many women: low income status. Men it was a way to get close in a relationship: women can get power in relationship by withholding sex. Chapter kinship and stepfamilies (fox and church) Importance of social support and gender differences **