NSCI 324 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Medial Rectus Muscle, Lateral Rectus Muscle, Smooth Pursuit

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Smooth pursuit: requires a small, moving stimulus, the goal is to lock the fovea onto the target and follow it. Vergence system: the neural pathway for vergence begins similarly to that of smooth eye pursuit except that the input from two disconjugate eye movements is sent to v1. Internuclear neurons cause eyes to move conjugately, so in this case they must be inactivated. In mrf (mesencephalic reticular formation); vergence neurons (similar to burst neurons) fire and when they do the eyes will converge. The vergence burst neurons cause contraction of the 2. Mr muscles: the signal into these neurons is from higher cortical and cerebellar areas (details of how not totally clear yet in the field). Proposed the opn also have axons to inhibit vergence burst neurons. But during a saccade the opn are inhibited so there is no the same inhibition onto the vergence burst neurons.