NSCI 324 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Automatic Control, Thalamus, Lateral Geniculate Nucleus

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Review of the neural integrator model of eye position and eye velocity. Occulomotor iii: saccades: the neural integrator integrates the eye velocity commands (from saccades) in order to produce the eye position. The neural integrator is in the reticular formation and vestibular complex. Both the eye velocity and the eye position are sent to the motoneurons, which are the final common path to the extraocular muscles. These burst neurons have a high frequency burst during saccades but no step component involved in eye position. Burst neurons can be excitatory (ebn) and inhibitory (ibn: rimlf (rostral interstitial nucleus) in the midbrain reticular formation; near the oculomotor nucleus, controls vertical saccades, has same ebn and ibn and is also controlled by the opn. Horizontal saccade mechanism (similar to vor)focus on l eye during l saccade: when the eyes turn left they do so in conjugation. Mr muscle: the two agonists are both activated via the ebn; r mr and l lr.