[BIOL 350] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (49 pages long!)

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How do we think: feed, stay alive, get laid. Us and all animals: we act to convince ourselves we matter. Inner self is a product of evolution: biological evolution. We are not blank slates (slightly preprogrammed, but can be overridden: cultural evolution. Life not completely absurd, not meaningful: simulated reality matrix. The future lies in what we are, and what we are is from the past. We will: examine our collapsing civilization, as well as our dysfunctional reaction to it as products of our evolutionary history. Lecture 2: one species, in a small portion of history, state of civilization and well being. Sustainable rate must be lower than regeneration rate: non-renewable resources. World scientists" warning to humanity in (cid:883)99(cid:884: ~1700 scientists (many nobel laureates) ~(cid:885)% of earth"s surface can grow food. Since (cid:883)9(cid:888)(cid:882)"s we have turned essentially all capable land into. We have peaked in land for food arable land: cannot grow more food without destroying ecosystem, minerals.