DEVS 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Multidimensional Poverty Index, Gross National Happiness, Gender Development Index

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*both not good measures of inequality because they do not consider how the income is. Characteristics measured: long, healthy life, knowledge, standard of living. 0 = perfect equality 1 = perfect inequality. People realize that money is not solving the problems: people begin to rethink development. Global financial crisis leads to crisis in global development. End of cold war establishes the rise of neoliberalism: development closely associated with neoliberalism. Neoliberal work of the 90"s did not solve any problems: less certainty about methods, measurement and definitions of development. Rise of ngo"s as a key actor. Brics emerge as a a key actor: brazil, russia, india, china, south africa. 5x as many africans as europeans ended up in the americas. The expansion of europe, began with the scramble for africa. Development of colonial attitudes and knowledge: the west felt a need to civilize" the 3rd world. Africa was undertaken at a faster pace than other parts of the un-colonized world.