MICR 221 Study Guide - Final Guide: Epstein–Barr Virus, Shingles, Geminiviridae

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Hepatitis b latency is a common feature of the life cycle, and some are oncogenic. Alphaherpesvirinae infect neurons: herpes simplex virus 1 latent and oncogenic, capsid composed of. Vp26 and vp5 hexons and pentons: human herpes virus 3 (varicella- Zoster virus) primary viremia causes chickenpox, reactivation causes herpes zoster. Gammaherpesvirinae infect lymphocytes: human herpes virus 4 (epstein- Barr virus: human herpes virus 8 (karposi"s. N fibre protein and penton base at each vertex used for adsorption: capsid has 12 fibres, 12 penton bases, 240 hexons arranged into either ninemers or peripentons. Oncogenic carries all enzymes required for mrna synthesis. Torque teno virus i every single dna virus is icosahedral except for baculo (helical) and pox (complex) None of the dna viruses have a polymerase except for reo and pox first two and 3rd and 2nd last are enveloped, the others are not.