POLS 250 Study Guide - Final Guide: The Communist Manifesto, Social Market Economy, Wage Labour

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Pols 250 winter term readings: marx the communist manifesto , critique of the. Class conflict has always existed and always with the oppressed and oppressor . Bourgeoisie: indirect ownership owning the means of production. Proletariat: labour through the mechanisation of labour people become infinitely replaceable. State has historically facilitated the system of capitalism. The communist is an idealist ally of the proletariat role is to inform the lower class. Promote class consciousness inequality, the relevant distinction is class. Communists can be bourgeoisie realising oppressive tendencies. Main problem with capitalism is alienation from labour and the product of labour. This leads to a lack of fulfillment and creativity isolated in power and individually. Workers must be continuingly isolated to survive in the system. No true regulation set of laws that benefit some, not most. Capitalism as problematic, inherently unstable overproduction. Everyone could be provided rights and means to live but not everyone is.