PSY 102 Midterm: Midterm 1 Review Chapter 2

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The beauty and necessity of good research design. How are they different: intuitive thinking mode is when our brains are largely in autopilot, analytical thinking is slow and re ective, it takes mental effort. What is a heuristic: heuristic : mental shortcut or rule of thumb that helps us to streamline our thinking and makes sense of our world. List some advantages and disadvantages of case studies, self-report measures/surveys, and naturalistic observations. Self report measure and surveys: advantages through random selection we can obtain generalized results, disadvantages if there"s nonrandom selection it can lead to misleading conclusions. Evaluating measures: what are reliability and validity: reliability consistency of measurement, validity extent to which a measure assesses what it purports to measure. What are they and how do we interpret them: correlational design research design that examines the extent to which two variables are associated. How do we identify a correlational design: correlations can positive, zero or negative.