SOC 505 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Constructionism, Study Guide, Masculinity

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26 Apr 2019

Document Summary

Please remember that you must fill in the exam using a pencil only. Differences between social constructionism and biological determinism (gender context) (biological determinists tend to think inequality is the result of biology. The belief is that since the differences are innate and natural, why bother to fight for a more equitable society. Biological determinism is the theory behind the phrase: boys will be boys. this phrase is associated with boyish behavioral characteristics, which we can all easily identify, that are believed to be essential and natural in boys. Social constructionism, on the other hand, is the theory that social identifiers, like race and gender, among others, are created by society rather than biology. Many argue that social constructionism is a much stronger force in shaping behavior and other social characteristics. It keeps us mindful that human behaviour is variable. When modern sporting institutions were developed in europe and north america in the.