LING 100 Final: Final_StudyGuide

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Ling 100: communication and language, dr. anne rimrott. Study guide for final exam. Stop immediately when i say stop. There will be approximately 60 questions. Questions can come from the lecture notes, the textbook and the custom courseware. Courseware article by balter (2004) search for the indo- european (specifically p. 1325 [p. In addition, there may be a question on yod- dropping (see burridge, 2002, language change (pp. From? (p. 301 [p. 67 cc])). I will not ask you questions about the videos that we watched in class. You subsequently provide me with a medical note justifying your absence. The only medical form i accept is the one at the following website. If you need it, print it out and have your doctor complete it: http://www. sfu. ca/mbb/ugrd/documents/genlhcpform. pdf. Following departmental policy, no make- up exams are given for missed midterms. Under no circumstances will students be allowed to write the final exam early or late.