NURS 124 Study Guide - Final Guide: Comorbidity, Health Literacy, Palliative Care

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Document Summary

Primary care - first point of contact with the healthcare system. Key features: access, continuity, coordination and comprehensiveness of care. Increased need for funding: fragmented system, shifting demographics. 3: decreased patient confidence, sustainability, limited funded positions for np, access not enough physicians inappropriate use of healthcare providers practice issues. Limited knowledge and ability to respond to the clinical and social needs of this population. Direct comprehensive clinical care - patient/client focused assessments, procedures, counselling and interpretation. Support of systems - professional contributions to standards, initiatives, policies, procedures and practicing guidelines. Order and interpret lab tests and diagnostic imaging. Np as most responsible provider (mrp) in community settings. Mrp: primary point of access for client"s ongoing health. Np"s - highly skilled, competent and safe primary care providers. Provide primary, preventive, acute care and vaccinations. Weekday clinic hours and on-call for evenings and weekends (findings suggest this is. Research indicates better patient outcomes (meeting specific unmet patient needs), potentially infrequently required) cost-saving.