NURS150 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Histamine, Vestibular System, Subarachnoid Space

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Physiology module 2 objectives (big ass exam: list and discuss the general functions of skeletal muscle tissue. They make up the muscular system: outline the structure and organizational level of skeletal muscle, from the whole muscle (organ), through muscle fibre (cell) and myofibril (complex organelle), down to the myofilament (macromolecular structure). Muscle fibre = single skeletal muscle cell: multinucleated, large, elongated, cylindrically shaped, fibres usually extend entire length of muscle, lots of mitochondria (need lots of atp) Myofilaments: thick= myosin, a band, thin= actin, i band. Proteins: describe the microscopic structure and functional roles of the myofibrils, sarcoplasmic reticulum and t tubules of skeletal muscle cells. Contractile: myosin (thick) and actin (thin: mysoin: component of thick filament. Is made up of fibers: contractile, structural, and regulatory. Consisting of 2 identical subunits shaped like a golf club: tail ends are intertwined (facing toward centre) and globular heads project out.