PEDS101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Van Der Waals Force, Hydrogen Bond, Surface Tension

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They make up lipids, nucleotides, carbohyddrates and proteins. Ionic noncovalent(cations and anions), hydrogen bond(surface tension in h2o), van der waals forces. 1. chemical specificity between a ligand a protein and it is the shape and charge that determines if the ligand will be attracted to it. Competition with ligands that isn"t necessarily good that changes the protein and doesn"t allow for the proper ligand to attach and perform the needed work (ex: drugs) Potential energy is stored in concentration gradients and chemical bonds( atp) And is then transformed into kinetic energy when needed to do work: Obtain energy from chemical bonds of biomolecules (food) and. Store energy in the chemical bonds of biomolecules (atp) Exergonic=exothermic=release energy because the products have less energy than the reactants-enzymes lower the activation energy in order to allow the energy to be released in the first place. Enzymes accelerate the reactions they catalyze by using binding sites to bring substrates a and b together.