MCB 2050 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Functional Genomics, Histidine, Start Codon

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Section a: multiple choice: after cutting dna, which of the following enzymes is used to join the ends of two. Enter the answer in the cell to the right for each row. Write out the answer in full, no abbreviations. The name of a cloning vector the size of a yeast chromosome. A structural motif whose shape is dependent on coordination of zinc with cysteine or histidine in an amino acid sequence. The study of all metabolic pathways and their interactions in a cell. The total actual length of the human haploid dna from 1 cell if all. Circle the initiation codon and the termination codon(s) on the sequence above. Write out a 8 ntd primer you would use for first strand cdna (written 5" to 3") excluding the polya tail. Write out (written 5" to 3") a 8 ntd forward primer (at the 5" end) you would use to pcr only the start of the orf.