KIN100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Joint Capsule, Hyaline Cartilage, Synovial Joint

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Arms at the sides w/ palms facing forward. Perpendicular to long axis (same as horizontal when standing) Axial consist of skull, ribcage, vertebral column. Appendicular everything else (include, clavicle, scapula, pelvis) Found where there"s a lot of pressure, form tendon bundle. Voluntary control, cylindrical in shape, contains many nuclei and closely packed, myofibrils that form alternating light + dark bands. Cells are interlocking w/ each other and contraction occurs regionally rather than involving individual cells. Involuntary control - striated, tend to branch, heart only. Optimal amount of compression + periods of relief. Fibrous - tightly connected by fibrous tissue, no joint cavity. Syndesmosis unites by sheet of fibrous tissue, partially moveable. Cartilaginous - tightly connected by cartilage, no joint cavity. Primary (synchondroses) united by hyaline cartilage; permit bone growth. Secondary (symphyses) united by fibrocartilage, give strength + shock absorption (strong, slightly moveable) Synovial has joint cavity, contain synovial fluid, bounded by articular capsule.