HLSC 3464U Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Basal-Cell Carcinoma, Benign Tumor, Telangiectasia

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Often affects middle aged or older women. Benign tumour of the glandular tissue of the skin. Often appears on the head and neck. Histology contains tumour islands that resemble jigsaw pieces, hyaline droplets that can take on any shape, a thick basement membrane and 2 cell populations. Periphery of cell contains small hyperchromatic nuclei. Affects 25% of women of reproductive age, most often occurs in women over. Myoma benign tumour of the smooth muscle of the uterus, otherwise known as fibroids. Histology contains bundles of smooth muscle cells, no mitosis or aplasia, but hyperplasia (lots of muscle cells) are prevalent. Treatment myomectomy: remove fibroid and maintain fertility, hysterectomy in severe cases. Medications to decrease estrogen and progesterone to shrink the tumour. Symptoms increased menstrual bleeding, increased pelvic pressure, frequent urination, anemia, and may affect fertility. Histology simple columnar cells, in the lymph node, presence of glands with mucus secretion. Pale areas of the lymph nodes are the follicles.