ANP 1106 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Flexor Digitorum Longus Muscle, Triceps Brachii Muscle, Biceps

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Fixators: be fairly comfortable with ct wrappings, what are they?, muscle group > muscle > fascicle > muscle fiber, deep fascia > epimysium > perimysium > endomysium. Supporting cells of the nervous system (6 types): Peripheral nervous system: satellite cells, schwann cells. Central nervous system: astrocytes, microglia, ependymal cells, oligodendrocytes. White matter vs. grey matter: white matter: myelinated axons, grey matter: cell bodies. Cerebral white matter can run in several different directions. Know the five cerebral lobes: frontal conscious thought, mood, parietal integrates sensory information, occipital sense of sight, temporal vision and smell. Should be able to describe the three types of functional areas of the cerebral cortex. Motor area: primary motor cortex, premotor cortex, broca"s area. Somatosensory association area: primary somatosensory, visual areas, auditory areas, vestibular cortex, olfactory cortex, gustatory cortex, visceral sensory area. Multimodal association areas: anterior association area (prefrontal cortex, posterior association area (part of posterior lobes) Master of endocrine system and many homeostatic variables.