CMN 1160 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Old Media, Canadian Content, Horizontal Integration

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CMN 1160 Full Course Notes
CMN 1160 Full Course Notes
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Ch a p te r 1 th e s o c io c u ltu ra l c o n te xt. Traditional media, new media, and social media are all illustrated to be forms of mass communication. The major faction, of mass media as inform people entertaining component on media. Technological -end of distinction between content and carriage. Vertical integration business: control every thing on product chain. Horizontal integration business: a company buy other industries: regulatory uncertainty. We will define communication as the action of making a message or idea common to two or more people. Sign meets and interacts with ideas, values, beliefs and emotions of users. 4 components of mass media: media messages-news items, etc, mass media-stuff that carries" messages, mass communication-process of how messages reach the audience on a large scale. Production and dissemination of mass information and entertainment. Mass communication means communication on a large scale.