CMN1160- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 41 pages long!)

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CMN 1160 Full Course Notes
CMN 1160 Full Course Notes
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14 documents

Document Summary

1950-1960 in usa: how do people think in particular way. Critical approaches (who has power, who has interests): history, culture, dominant power relations. Administrative approaches: culture norm, political common, who sending messages and why. Primary agent of socialization pervasive . Through governments: federal, provincial and municipal communicate with residents and citizens. Introduce ppl to different cultures and keep immigrants in touch with the countries from which they moved. Help raise our consciousness about our roles in impending environmental disasters. Controlling world economy and movement of goods and services around the globe. Bind canadians together with common ideas and understandings of our culture. Media (cid:28663)(cid:28674)(cid:28664)(cid:28678)(cid:28673)"(cid:28679) (cid:28679)(cid:28664)(cid:28671)(cid:28671) (cid:28680)(cid:28678) w(cid:28667)a(cid:28679) w(cid:28664) (cid:28679)(cid:28667)(cid:28668)(cid:28673)(cid:28670), b(cid:28648)(cid:28647) (cid:28668)(cid:28679) tells us what we think about. Media contribute to how we see and understand the world. Media trends pptl1, tb p18: convergence (blurring of sectoral boundaries) . Technological end of distinction between content and carriage. Corporate consolidation of media companies .