CMN 2130 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Neuron, Job Satisfaction, Personalization

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Attempt to understand a situation from the perspective of another person or to take another persons perspective into account in communicating with them; it often involves identifying strategic approaches to convert information. > ex) giving instructions to someone who is lost or visiting a new city, explaining a dance step, or trying to understand why your child doesn"t want to go to school. Tells us that perspective taking abilities begin with an egocentric (self-centred) perspective, natural to children and adults. What would i think in the same situation? . > in the military this is important, as leaders need to think in terms of taking care of their subordinates. They also need to understand the perspectives of the enemy, the local population and multinational partners. > ex) alaskan backpacking trip gone horribly wrong study. Tells us that our ability to process complex info relies on our ability to access a number of viewpoints.