CMN2160 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Learning Theory, Understanding Media, Cultivation Theory

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Midterm- a split between multiple choice and free answer questions. Wikipedia assignment- can be done alone or in pairs. Allows us to pick apart theories and analyze each part. Like a lens; pick out certain threads in detail. Constantly evolving and changing with new research and ideas. Theory has a purpose: trying to understand the impact media has on society (video game violence etc. ) Theory is a process: the complete background of the concept before the creation of the theory. Inspires debate and encourages conversation in order to understand societal happenings. Give a child a hammer and everything becomes a nail : one theory will not work for all concepts and social phenomenon"s, theory can give you a repertoire of tools to understand social problems and issues. There is no divine hammer : there are many ways that you can study something, no single way of looking at something. Theories must be published and must have a context.