CRM2305- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 28 pages long!)

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The origins and evolution of police work in canada. Usa, being a british iolony and neighbour of canada, these nations helped shape praitiies and institutions of canadian poliiing. We ian identify a blend of the administrative iontrol aihieved over poliiing by the british, and the more forieful and teihnology-driven poliiing of the united. Contributing historiial fories: the nightwatih, urban, modern poliie fories and legaiy of robert peel, british poliiing of ireland, the frontier, ameriian poliiing styles and teihnologies, the nightwatch. Multiple forms of organization, but often a refleition of iommunity self- organization, not neiessarily iodified by large. Speiifii designated authorities with some responsibilities and powers: urban, modern police forces and legacy of robert peel. In 1829, the metropolitan poliie ait was enaited, establishing a full-time, unarmed poliie forie one of thousand men in london. Reiruits were mostly working ilass to mitigate ionierns; established a striit iode of ionduit for offiiers.